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Development Economist - OECD Development Centre

Research Fellow at IZA - Institute of Labor Economics

Research Fellow at FRdB - Fondazione Rodolfe De Benedetti



I am a Research and Policy Economist, with over 15 years of experience in International, Development, and Labour Economics, having worked for the International Labour Organization, the World Bank, national governments and research institutions. Since September 1, 2020, I am with the OECD Development Center.



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Publication of "Education-occupation mismatch in the context of informality and development", with Alexandre Kolev, OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 346, October 2021.

Publication of "Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses", ILO Working Paper N. 32. ILO: Geneva, 2021.


Publication of "Online platform work in Russia and Ukraine: Gender differences in earnings and work satisfaction". With Shevchuk, A., Strebkov, D. In: Gendering Post-Soviet Space. (Eds): Karabchuk, T., Kumo, K., Gatskova, K., Skoglund, E., Springer Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-15-9357-4. 2021.

Publication of "The geographic and linguistic variety of online labour markets: The cases of Russia and Ukraine". With Shevchuk, A., Strebkov, D. In: Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy. (Eds): Drahokoupil, J., Vandaele, K. ETUI: Brussels. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.

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Last modified: November 2021

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