Labour markets and institutions
Articles in refereed journals

Regulating Digital Online Work in the Russian Federation.
With Elena Gerasimova and Nikita Lyutov.
Comparative Labour Law and Policy Dispatch, 2020. No. 23.
Work Quality, Temporary Employment, and Job Satisfaction.
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018. Vol. 46 (3), pp. 722-735.
Non-Standard Employment Around the World: Regulatory Answers to Face its Challanges.
With Janine Berg, Valerio De Stefano, and Martine Humblet.
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations, 2018. Special Issue Game Changers in Labour Law: Shaping the Future of Work. No. 100, pp.27-48.
Coverage of Employment Protection Legislation.
With Friederike Eberlein.
IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s40173-016-0073-x.
Composite Indicators of Labour Market Regulations in a Comparative Perspective.
With Sandrine Cazes.
IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 2016, Vol. 5(3). DOI: 10.1186/s40172-016-0043-y.
A Comment to the Reply to "Banking crises, Labor Reforms, and Unemployment: A Comment",
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2015, 43(4), pp. 1148-1149. DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2015.11.002
Banking Crises, Labor Reforms, and Unemployment: A Comment.
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2015, 43(4), pp. 1134-1141. DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2015.04.003
Working papers

Education-occupation mismatch in the context of informality and development.
With Alexandre Kolev.
OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 346. OECD: Paris, October 2021.
Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses.
ILO Working Paper N. 32. ILO: Geneva, 2021.
The Regulation of Collective Dismissals: Economic Rationale and Legal Practice.
With Angelika Muller.
ILO Working Paper No. 4, May 2020.
Working Conditions on Digital Labour Platforms: Evidence from a Leading Labour Supply Economy.
With Anastasia Bastrakova and Natalia Kharchenko.
IZA Working Paper No. 12245, March 2019.
Firms' Demand for Temporary Labour in Developing Countries: Necessity or Strategy?
With Janine Berg.
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 77, June 2016.
A Chronology of Employment Protection Legislation in Some Selected European Countries.
With Alexandra Schmidt.
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 53, November 2014.
Comparing Indicators of Labour Market Regulations across Databases: A Post Scriptum to the Employing Workers Debate.
With Sandrine Cazes.
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 50, June 2014.
Deregulating Labour Markets: How Robust is the Analysis of Recent IMF Working Papers?
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 47, March 2014.
Labor Market Institutions in Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries: A New Panel Database.
With Martin Schindler.
IMF Working Paper No 11/154, July 2011.
Institutional reports

"Changing demand for skills in digital economies and societies: Literature review and case studies from low- and middle-income countries", 2021. ILO: Geneva.
Principal author
Working Conditions in a Global Perspective. Joint ILO-Eurofound Report, 2019. ILO: Geneva
Principal co-author
Decent Work in Portugal 2008-2018: from Crisis to Recovery. ILO: Geneva.
Author of chapter 3A
Work on Digital Labour Platforms in Ukraine: Issues and Policy Perspectives, 2018. ILO: Geneva.
Principal co-author, with Anastasa Bastrakova and Natalia Kharchenko.
Also available in Ukrainian: Також українською:
Зайнятість через цифрові платформи в Україні. Проблеми та стратегічні перспективи.
Strengthening Social Protection for the Future of Work. 2017. ILO Report for G-20 Employment Working Group Meeting in Hamburg. ILO: Geneva.
Women at Work in G-20 Countries: A Background Paper. 2016. Joint ILO-OECD-IMF-World Bank Report for G-20 Employment Working Group Meeting in Berlin.
Non-standard Employment Around the World: Understanding Challenges, Shaping Prospects. 2016. ILO: Geneva.
Principal co-author
Employment Protection Legislation: Summary Indicators in the Area of Terminating Regular Contracts (Individual Dismissals), 2015. ILO: Geneva.
Non-standard Forms of Employment. Report for Discussion at the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Non-Standard Forms of Employment (Geneva, 16–19 February 2015). 2015. ILO: Geneva.
Principal co-author
World of Work Report 2014. Developing with Jobs. 2014. Chapter 6: Labour and Social Protection Institutions: Recent Trends and Impact on Development. ILO: Geneva.
Principal co-author
Addressing Employment, Labour Market and Social Protection Challenges in G20 Countries: Key Messages since 2010. 2013. Joint ILO-OECD Report for the G20 Task Force on Employment. ILO: Geneva.
Policy writings

Women in Non-standard Employment.
ILO INWORK Issue Brief No.9, June 2017.
Regulating the Use of Temporary Contracts by Enterprises.
With Janine Berg.
ILO What Works Research Brif No. 7, March 2017.
Improving the Quality of Non-standard Jobs Helps Women. ILO Blog / News. December 2016.
Can Everything be Ranked? The Fallacies of Ranking Labour Regulations and Reforming Ukrainian Labour Law with the Aim of Improving its Scores.
Vox Ukraine Opinion Post, May 19, 2016. English version. Українська версія. Русская версия.
Reprinted in / Перепечатано в ЛІГА.net
Beware of Rankings! Or Should Ukraine's Labour Reforms be Justified by Scores in International Composite Indicators?
Vox Ukraine Opinion Post, April 25, 2016. English Version. Українська версія. Русская версия.
Reprinted in, April 2016 / Перепечатано в Дело.ua, Апрель 2016.
Employment Protection Legislation: New Approaches to Measuring the Institution.
ILO INWORK Issue Brief No. 8., January 2016.
Ukraine's Low Labour Productivity: Who is Truly Responsible?
Vox Ukraine Opinion Post, September 2015. English version. Українська версія. Русская версия.
Nothing More Temporary than Permanent? Understanding Fixed-term Contracts.
With Angelika Muller.
ILO INWORK-GOVERNANCE Policy Brief No. 6, March 2015.
Book chapters

Online platform work in Russia and Ukraine: Gender differences in earnings and work satisfaction.
With Shevchuk, A., Strebkov, D..
In: Gendering Post-Soviet Space. (Eds): Karabchuk, T., Kumo, K., Gatskova, K., Skoglund, E., Springer Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-15-9357-4. 2021.
The geographic and linguistic variety of online labour markets: The cases of Russia and Ukraine.
With Shevchuk, A., Strebkov, D..
In: Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy.
(Eds): Drahokoupil, J., Vandaele, K. ETUI: Brussels. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.