Book Chapters
Online platform work in Russia and Ukraine: Gender differences in earnings and work satisfaction.
With Shevchuk, A., Strebkov, D..
In: Gendering Post-Soviet Space. (Eds): Karabchuk, T., Kumo, K., Gatskova, K., Skoglund, E., Springer Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-15-9357-4. 2021.
The geographic and linguistic variety of online labour markets: The cases of Russia and Ukraine.
With Shevchuk, A., Strebkov, D..
In: Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy.
(Eds): Drahokoupil, J., Vandaele, K. ETUI: Brussels. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.
The Determinants of Religiosity among Immigrants and the Native Born in Europe.
With Barry Chiswick.
In: The Economics of Cultural Diversity. (Eds) Nijkamp, P., Poot, J., and Jessie Bakens. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2015.
Conclusion: Assimilation and Integration of Immigrants in Europe.
With Yann Algan.
In: Cultural and Economic Integration in Europe (Eds) Algan, Y., Bisin, A., Manning, A., and Verdier, Th.. Oxford University Press, September 2012.
Quantitative Assessment of Immigrants' Civic Activities: Exploring the European Social Survey.
In: Highly Active Immigrants - A Resource for European Civil Societies. (Ed) Vogel, D.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 2007.