Advisory services on employment protection and non-standard employment in Morocco

In the fall of 2018, the King of Morocco urged the Government of Morocco to develop emergency measures for employment. In this context, he has requested the organization of a national forum on employment to be held in Rabat in December 2018, with the aim of designing the National Employment Strategy in Morocco. In view of this forum, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of employment requested the ILO support to provide technical advice on various policy areas, including on effective system of employment protection legislation balancing the needs of workers for income and job security with employers’ needs to adjust the workforce in the context of the fast-changing labour market.
Giving this request, in 2018, I took part in the preparatory meeting in Rabat with social partners, government representatives, academia and civil society, to provide theoretical and practical evidence of what works in other countries in the area of employment protection and flexicurity.
Thereafter, in 2019-2020, I served as a consultant to the Employment Observatory of the Ministry of Labour and Social Integration of Morocco. In the course of five missions to Rabat, I moderated focus groups with key stakeholders on the issue of non-standard forms of employment, and participated to drafting of the institutional report on this topic.