Advisory services on Undeclared work in Ukraine

“Inclusive Labour Markets for Job Creation in Ukraine” is an ILO program funded by Denmark. The program aims at modernizing the services of the Ukrainian public employment services enabling them to offer more effective and inclusive active labour market policies.
The project is closely linked to an ILO-EU project “Enhancing the Labour Administration Capacity to Improve Working Conditions and Tackle Undeclared Work”. Within this project, a tripartite workshop - "Formulation of a Biannual Action Plan to Fight Undeclared Work" was organized in Kyiv on June 4-7, 2018.
I participated to the tripartite workshop of the ILO-EU project, providing expert’s inputs and opinions to the participants of the event, and assisting them in producing the multiannual strategy on undeclared work. Tacking stock of participants’ group work, I further produced inputs into the pilot program to tackle the undeclared work for the “Inclusive Labour Markets for Job Creation in Ukraine”, thus ensuring continuity between the two projects.