Working Papers
Labour Markets and Institutions

Education-occupation mismatch in the context of informality and development.
With Alexandre Kolev.
OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 346. OECD: Paris, October 2021.
Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses. ILO Working Paper N. 32. ILO: Geneva, 2021.
The Regulation of Collective Dismissals: Economic Rationale and Legal Practice.
With Angelika Muller.
ILO Working Paper No. 4, May 2020.
Working Conditions on Digital Labour Platforms: Evidence from a Leading Labour Supply Economy.With Anastasia Bastrakova and Natalia Kharchenko. IZA Working Paper No. 12245, March 2019.
Firms' Demand for Temporary Labour in Developing Countries: Necessity or Strategy?
With Janine Berg.
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 77, June 2016.
A Chronology of Employment Protection Legislation in Some Selected European Countries.
With Alexandra Schmidt.
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 53, November 2014.
Comparing Indicators of Labour Market Regulations across Databases: A Post Scriptum to the Employing Workers Debate.
With Sandrine Cazes.
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 50, June 2014.
Deregulating Labour Markets: How Robust is the Analysis of Recent IMF Working Papers?
ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series Paper No. 47, March 2014.
Labor Market Institutions in Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries: A New Panel Database.
With Martin Schindler.
IMF Working Paper No 11/154, July 2011.
International Migration

Deficiencies in Conditions of Workas a Cost to Labor Migration:Concepts, Extent, and Implications.
With Samia Kazi Aoul and Veronica Petrencu (Preotu).
KNOMAD Working Paper 28, August 2017.
Isolating the Network Effect of Immigrants on Trade.
With Giovanni Peri.
IZA Discussion Paper 6941, October 2012
CEPII Working Paper 2011-26, December 2011.
Religiosity and Migration: Travel into One's Self versus Travel Across Cultures.
With Barry Chiswick.
IZA Discussion Papers 5724, May 2011.
Occupation-Education Mismatch of Immigrant Workers in Europe: Context and Policies.
With Ahmed Tritah.
CEPII Working Paper 2011-16, July 2011.
Assimilation and Integration of Immigrants in Europe
With Yann Algan.
IZA Discussion Papers 5185, September 2010. -
An updated version is available:
Economic and Cultural Assimilation and Integration of Immigration in Europe.
With Yann Algan.
CEPII Working Paper 2010-29, December 2010.
Immigration, Income and Productivity of Host Countries: a Channel Accounting Approach.
With Ahmed Tritah. CEPII Working Paper 2009-23, October 2009.